Vincent Van Gogh – one of the world’s greatest artists

By Selma Sabir – 4CK

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most popular artists in the world and I will tell you why.

Vincent was born in 1853 March 30 and died in 1890 July 29. He painted 900 paintings and did 1100 drawings. He was Dutch.

Vincent Van Gogh painted many self-portraits.

Vincent Van Gogh painted many self-portraits.

Vincent began painting when he was a child.

After only a decade he had already painted 2100 paintings including more 860 oil paintings and more than 1300, drawings, sketches and prints including self portraits.

One of the first major paintings that he did was The Potato Eaters. This painting is about people eating mash potatoes.

This is something you are never going to believe. Vincent has a brother. Vincent’s brother died when Vincent was born. His brother was also called Vincent Van Gogh.

When Vincent was 37 years old, he shot himself in the chest and died although there was never a gun found.

As you know Vincent shot himself in the chest but the weird thing about it is because when he shot himself in Wheatfield in Auvers he didn’t die until two days later.

As a child Vincent was very thoughtful and quiet. He was good friends with another famous painter named Paul Gauguin.

Van Gogh suffered from many physical and mental issues like epilepsy. As well as smoking and drinking too much alcohol and coffee he also ate very poorly. Sometimes  he didn’t eat all day and all night. He never was without his pipe even in death bed he was smoking.

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