
Why Bullying is Bad

By Dana Yehia – 7LN

One of the most important subjects that no one really talks about is bullying! What is bullying?  There are different types of bullying and people are bullied about lots of things like being bad at something, or because they’re overweight or not beautiful enough.

Bullies will find something to bully you about – it doesn’t matter if you’re popular or not, children can be cruel.

In my opinion, rather than getting caught up in rumours or gossip you guys should just stay away from it because it will just make it worse. There is loads of stupid stuff people get bullied about like having bad hair or being dark skinned – you don’t judge people because of their skin colour, you shouldn’t judge anyone about anything.

  • Published May 15, 2013.
By Hana Mohamed – 6CB
Have you ever gone to bed hungry?
870 million people all over the world know how it feels to be hungry. That’s the amount of people that suffer from world hunger.
World hunger has been a global issue for quite a long time with little progress. Some small progress stared in 2008, however, it stopped shortly afterwards.You can help end world hunger.You can help end world hunger.

World hunger kills more people each year than malaria, TB and tuberculosis combined. It makes children skinny and malnourished and it is the number one health risk in the developing world.
The definition of hunger can be different to people. This is what a person in Ethiopia said about suffering  from hunger:
“We are left tied like a straw, our life is empty; we are empty handed. What is life without a friend or food? We are above the dead and below the living. Hunger is a hyena. The poor are falling,  the rich are growing. We simply watch those who eat. It is like sitting and dying alive. We have become empty, like a hive.”
  • Published May 14, 2013.

Lions fighting for survival

By Abdullah Lukat – 7LN

Lions, the mightiest of all animals, are now in seriously endanger.

They are rated as “vulnerable” in the endangered species index because so many have died from things like hunting, clashes with humans and loss of habitat.

This is a picture of a male lion in Kenya.

This is a picture of a male lion in Kenya.

While there were around 100,000 lions in the world 50 years ago, there are only around 35,000 today and some people say the number might be even lower than that. While they once roamed across most of Africa, from Europe to India and from Yukon to Peru, they are now only found in sub-Saharan Africa and Southwest Asia.

They are in trouble for many reasons.

Hunters want to kill a mature male lion with a beautiful mane for a trophy. Sometimes, that lion might be the leader of a pride which may leave the pride vulnerable to attacks from other lions. Sometimes, a new lion which wants to dominate the pride will kill the cubs of the dead lion which was the leader of the pride. They are also threatened by habitat loss due to human population expansion while their bones are used in traditional Chinese medicine.

  • Published May 12. 2013.

Leaving School – A sad ending or a new beginning?

By Salma Essam and Salma Srour

In less than a couple of months, the corridors will all be empty again; empty of laughter, long sighs, ringing bells, yells, handshakes and quick conversations between classes that make the whole thing worthwhile.

This year, another group of students are leaving, very much like a cycle, every year the class of year 12 leaves. They set off to their new world where they apply what they learnt in what we view as a long 12 years of education. Yet do they consider it long? It was always said that the senior year, is the year where everything makes sense. When you realise that you’re attending your last Halloween, Valentine’s dance, school picnic, carnival, assemblies, gatherings and meetings, when you go through your last prom shopping and graduation details. During all that you might not notice it but afterwards when the memories flow back, your eyes will fill with tears and you’ll smile knowing that this year was by far one of your best!

Click here to read the full story.

  • Published 24 March, 2013

Fixing Cairo’s Traffic Troubles

Spending hours stuck in traffic is a burden faced by everyone living in Egypt’s major cities, especially Traffic 2Cairo. With drivers and their passengers spending hours stuck in cars and buses, Hana Tarek looks at what is causing the jams and what the country should do about them.

By Hana Tarek – 6LT

Every adult in Egypt is complaining these days about traffic.

Traffic was bad before but now it’s becoming worse and worse. Drivers have to stay put in their cars waiting for around
two or three hours just to go and come back from their work each day and all day we hear complaints that both the Ring Road and the 6th of October Bridge are blocked completely. Unfortunately now almost all main streets in Cairo are also blocked, especially during rush hours.

Click here to read the full story.

  • Published 18 March 2013

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