
Turkey – Truly the Best

By Yagiz Zagli – 4CK

Turkey is a country that changed the world a lot do you want to hear the story?

Okay, Turkey is a country that Egyptians love. They mostly love our films and culture and our beautiful cities! They don’t like our football teams though because ours are better! Turkey’s main city is Ankara. 15099240-turkey-flag-flag-of-turkey--hand-showing-thumbs-up

Turkey is part in Europe and part in Asia making it the only country in the world to be on two continents. The countries that are next to it are Bulgaria, Syria, Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Iran and Iraq.

In Turkey the weather is soooo hot in summer that you should use sunscreen or you will be barbecue for dinner! And you should be in a cold pool to save you from the heat! But in spring it’s soooo cold you need to wear a lot of things or you won’t get out of bed for two weeks. In some places in Turkey it gets as cold as -35 or -40 degrees celsius. That’s freezing!

  • Published 1 May, 2013.

Amazing Amsterdam

By Selma Sabir – 4CK

The Netherlands is a beautiful place to visit with friendly people and lots to do.

The Netherlands is a beautiful place to visit with friendly people and lots to do.

Lets take a tour in, I don’t know, maybe THE NETHERLANDS. The Netherlands is in Europe near Belgium, Germany and France.

The Netherlands is the land of Dutch people, Dutch, wooden shoes, the colour orange, fields of tulips, amazing cheese, Amsterdam and a criminal called ‘The Nose’ because he has a big nose.

There are lots of activities for tourists to do in the Netherlands. For instance we have Queens Day when we celebrate our Queen. On Queens Day you’re supposed to wear orange because our first king’s surname was “Van Oranje Nassau” and “Oranje” is Dutch for “Orange”.

  • Published April 30, 2013.

My beautiful India

Students in the CES Enquiry Learning Group have been writing travel features about their home countries. Here, Ayra Parashar (6LT) writes about her native India.

India is the land of spices, food and dances, history and many different cultures as well as the dreaded Delhi Belly.

The Golden Temple - one of India's many tourist attractions.

India is full of things for tourists to do and see which is why it is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

India is also famous for its history of kings, its culture, its people and religion. It is famous because there are so many things to see and experience. It is fun and amazing but can also be very hard.

“Even veteran travellers find their sanity frayed at some point, yet this is all part of the India experience. Love it or loathe it – and most visitors see-saw between the two – India will jostle your entire being. It’s a place that fires the imagination and stirs the soul like nowhere else on earth,” Lonely Planet says of India.

  • Published 17  April 2013

Exciting England – The land of castles, curries and good company

By Aiyana Sood – 4CH

In England there are nice shops, restaurants, it has good places to visit and fun places to go and that is why you should go there. England

England is one of the most famous countries in the world and part of the United Kingdom along with Ireland,Scotland and Wales. It is in the North Sea near France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

There are many famous things and lots of interesting history there and lots for visitors to go and do.

Published, March 11 2013

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